Who Is Mike Cornwell...

Early Life
Mike from an early age has been leading groups. First it was skateboarding groups, and then it was music bands.
Military & Intelligence Career
Mike joined the Marine Corps in 2004 in order to become a fighter pilot. As a first occupation he chose intelligence analyst because “it seemed smart”.

Farming & Dixie Fruits
While developing software in 2013, Mike started a permaculture farm in SE Louisiana. By 2017, this farm had over 500 varieties of fruit across 25+ species of plants, chickens, pigs and goats.
Sanctuary Leadership
While living in a wood stove heated cabin in Pennsylvania in 2019 and 2020, Mike decided to write a leadership book. After the collapse of Dixie Fruits, he wanted to unpack lessons learned. The biggest lesson learned, was that the problem that he was trying to solve, was at a deeper level than just plants in the ground.

Personal Life
Mike is a family man who is married to his college sweetheart. They have four children, (three girls and one boy). They currently live in the Appalachian mountains on their “urban” farm that is within “city” limits.
Mike's Books

Influence & Leadership:
The Definitive Treatise on Earning and Expending Influence to Become A Leader
Mike lays out, in plain english the foundations, strategies and tactics you need to develop leadership, in any context whether that is interpersonal, at home, in a workplace, or on a battlefield.
The Leadership Academy
Sanctuary Leadership
The Online Community That Creates Leaders Through A Pure Education On Influence Reinforced By Practical Skills On Taking Responsibility For Oneself And Others.